Finding 'u' in Mum
This is a program specifically created for you to explore who you are becoming as a woman, and mother.
A journey of discovering yourself through the transition of maiden to mother - incorporating who you were before becoming a mum, who you are currently & who you desire to become.
This program is right for you if you are ready to:
Gain confidence to live life on your terms;
Clear the 'yuckies' holding you back from living a great life;
Stop feeling like everyday is groundhog day;
Connect deeply to yourself on a new level;
Understand your values, their importance & show up aligned with them;
Source happiness amongst the mundane of motherhood;
Begin asking for your needs;
Take accountability for your own life;
Stop being triggered by your kids big emotions;
Tackle perfectionism & people pleasing;
Process emotions that are controlling aspects of your life;
Stop yelling at your kids;
Let go of old patterns that keep you stuck;
Live aligned with your core values;
Want more for yourself & your family.
Doing this work on yourself is a gift you not on only give yourself, but also the people around you.
Time to say yes to yourself, mumma.
You will emerge feeling like you have an understanding of your core self, beliefs that have held you back for years replaced, language shifts, strategies & tools to move forward with your life & truly live in alignment with your true self towards a future you are excited about.
Book your complimentary Clarity Call with me here to find out more about this program.