For me, this is now a knowing.
An undeniable truth.
Becoming a mother, catapulted my own spiritual awakening & healing journey where I found myself questioning life, my own upbringing & also why my children chose me as their mother.
Are you someone who believes that babies choose their parents before birth?
Whether you're sceptical or curious, this is a question that stirs the soul.
For me, becoming a mum of three sparked my spiritual awakening, which led me on a path of soul healing, self-evolution & now a purposeful business mission supporting mothers on their own healing journey.
If you're asking this question yourself, you may be on a similar journey?
This is my story:
Before my third child was even a thought, I visited a clairvoyant whilst navigating a life crossroad (as a corporate business woman of course it was career focused) It was here she told me I had a spirit child with me, which of course at the time made no sense as a mum of two who struggled with PNA (post natal anxiety) following the birth of our second child, I believed we were done.
Until we weren't.
And once we decided for a third, we fell pregnant instantly.
He was waiting for us to be ready for him.
William entered the world quickly & through emergency c-section almost 10 days over.
The birth was extremely traumatic for me & a moment I will never forget.
It changed me.
It changed our family.
It changed our entire lineage.
It was an awakening that brought my to my knees, feeling broken on every level. The lowest point in my life yet holding the highest highs of my life at the same time, too.
How one person can hold both of these at the same time still fascinates me.
PLUS, how one moment in time can change your entire life trajectory.
Never the less, given this newfound reality I was navigating I found myself researching whether souls truly choose their parents & what I started to uncover sparked something from within that I knew was true. I found that many spiritual & ancient traditions suggest that souls do indeed choose their parents, aligning themselves with the circumstances that will help them achieve their life goals in the physical form.
(but in the western world we are totally closed off from such beliefs; it's like we have lost our way.)
However, in this ancient view, when we are born, our family—loving or challenging—is part of a larger, intentional plan to help us grow.
I don’t believe it was a mistake that through birthing my son I had to navigate my own birth trauma, which ultimately opened my eyes to deeper truths about life & what truly matters.
It wasn’t an accident that I was meant to go through these experiences so that I could journey the depths of my own existence, heal & then create a vision & mission bigger than myself helping women journeying similar pathways.
Because of this, I now see that these perceived “big moments” in life, even the painful ones that bring us to our darkest times, hold the most insightful lessons.
And this is where I invite you to reflect on your own journey.
What brings you here asking this question whether children choose their parents?
Have you experienced a major life event that left you questioning *why* it happened to you?
For a little while I believed his birth broke me, physically, emotionally, mentally & spiritually.
But it was a moment I given to me to choose whether I allow that to destroy me or I choose to rise above & use it as a choice to evolve.
I am glad I chose the latter. As hard as it has been.
Whether you're at the beginning of your own healing process or further along, everything happens for a reason. As triggering as that may seem right now to hear, yes, things that happened to you, you did not deserve & I really want to validate that & even though those challenges are so painful, they also offer something to you, whether you can see this yet or not.
There are no mistakes in the grander scheme of things.
If you’re sitting in a place of uncertainty, that feel like a void, unsure of your next steps, questioning your reality & life - it’s in those moments that you can begin to gain clarity about what you truly want & release what no longer serves you.
This is a magical place of curiosity & clarity for you & your family, but most importantly those who follow in your footsteps.
So, do babies choose their parents before birth? I hold the belief that as spiritual beings, yes we select our journey on earth, which includes the family we are born into, in order to acquire the necessary experiences in this lifetime & evolve into the best version of ourselves in this existence.
And if you’re reading this, searching for answers, maybe it’s because you’re starting to feel the same way, wondering what else there is or asking yourself why you children chose you, or why you chose your parents...
So, whether or not you believe that babies choose their parents before birth, I encourage you to look at the significant moments in your life. What have you experienced that has shaped you? What have they offered you? And how can you tap into those experiences moving forward?
Are they offering you an opportunity to heal yourself so you don't pass down generational trauma to those who come after you? Or are they inviting you to lean into something new elsewhere?
Remember, no matter where you are on your path, you're not alone.
If you would like to book in an obligation online clarity session with me to find out how I can guide you on your own healing journey, awakening & becoming you can do so here.
Sarah Cremona
Founder of The Mumma Nest
Sarah Cremona is a Mum of 3 | Best Selling Author | Women's Mentor & Facilitator, Professional Life Coach @ The International Coaching Institute | Trained in Meta Dynamics, NLP, Positive Psychology, Emotional Intelligence, Somatics + Trauma Informed | Multi Award Winner in Women & Wellness & Online Community | Highly Commended IWIB Best New Business 2023 | Rising Coach of The Year Top 5 Finalist 2022 | Childhood Educator & Government Officer (previously) | Recovering High Functioning People Pleaser.